Home Eswatini


Quick Stats
The Kingdom of Eswatini is a small landlocked country in Southern Africa with about 52% of its population below 20 years old.


Country office contacts
Plot 1150 Dvoye Street
Ngwane Park
Ext 1.+268 7604 3105
Ext 2. +268 7904 3105

Meet the Team

Issues affecting children and young people in Eswatini

  • The country’s poverty is exacerbated by a three- decade long HIV and AIDS epidemic which has had a profound effect on the country’s social and economic fabric. According to UNAIDS (2018), 210 000 people are infected with HIV, making it the highest recorded HIV prevalence in the world.
  • There has been an increase in the number of orphans and vulnerable children, and with the growing strain on communities, children are increasingly exposed to neglect, abuse and exploitation.
  • Despite this, Eswatini still does not have a comprehensive child protection system to address children’s needs holistically..

Our Impact




Repssi Work In Eswatini

  • Hold workshops on domestication of the SADC Minimum Package of Services and PSS Conceptual framework to sensitize the provincial and district level staff.
  • Works on Reducing Early and Unintended Pregnancy project in collaboration with the Ministry of Health, Department of Education, National Institute of Children (INAC) and the municipal administration.
  • Conducted training for school principals and education officials on assessing the PSS environment in schools.
  • Works with the Department of Education to mobilise resources to create enabling environments for adolescents to talk about issues that affect them.

Eswatini Team

Mandla Mazibuko
Country Representative Mandla.mazibuko@repssi.org
Clement Dlamini
Country Advisory Board - Chairperson
See Bios of  Team